Black Coffee (Café Noir): Black coffee, also known as Café Noir, is plain coffee made by dripping hot water through coarsely ground coffee beans. The ideal ratio for brewing is 1 part coarsely ground coffee to 16 parts filtered water. While it can be prepared using various methods—such as drip coffee makers, French presses, percolators, or Moka pots—the principle remains the same: combining the right ratio of coffee to hot water to create a rich, flavorful brew.
Ingredients Ratio
Café au Lait (also called Café con Leche): Coffee with equal parts steamed milk. This recipe elevates a simple cup of black coffee by blending it with an equal amount of steamed milk, creating a rich and indulgent experience in every sip.
Ingredients Ratio
Americano: An Americano is made by combining a double shot of espresso with an equal amount of water. Though it might look like a standard cup of black coffee, an Americano is distinctly different. With two shots of espresso as its base, it offers a comparable caffeine content to an 8-ounce cup of coffee (124 mg in a doppio vs. 126 mg in coffee) but delivers a much bolder, roasted flavor.
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Cappuccino: A cappuccino consists of equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and frothed milk. This espresso-based favorite is rich and foamy, often topped with a sprinkle of cinnamon or other spices for added flavor. Unlike a latte, which includes more steamed milk and less frothed milk, a cappuccino has a distinct balance of textures and a thicker layer of foam.
Ingredients Ratio
Latte: A latte consists of a double shot of espresso combined with twice the amount of steamed milk and a thin layer of frothed milk. While similar to a cappuccino, which has equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and foam, a latte includes significantly more steamed milk and only a light topping of foam, resulting in a creamier, smoother drink.
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Flat White: A flat white is made with a double shot of espresso and steamed milk, but no added foam. Originating in Australia, this minimalist version of a latte lives up to its name with its smooth, “flat” surface. Any tiny bubbles on top come from the crema—the natural layer of foam created during the espresso extraction process.
Ingredients Ratio
Cortado: A cortado is made with a double shot of espresso and an equal amount of steamed milk. With its balanced combination of 2 ounces of espresso and 2 ounces of steamed milk, the cortado offers a stronger flavor profile than a cappuccino, latte, or flat white, all of which have a higher milk-to-espresso ratio. However, it’s less intense than a macchiato, which uses significantly less milk.
Ingredients Ratio
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Breve: A breve is made with a double shot of espresso and an equal amount of steamed half-and-half. If you prefer a creamier, more indulgent coffee, the breve is an excellent choice. Similar to the cortado with its 1:1 espresso-to-dairy ratio, the breve swaps steamed milk for steamed half-and-half, creating a richer and more luxurious texture.
Ingredients Ratio
Macchiato: A macchiato is a double shot of espresso topped with a small amount of frothed milk. Unlike cappuccinos, lattes, flat whites, or cortados, macchiatos use the least milk, allowing their bold, robust espresso flavor to take center stage.
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Vietnamese Coffee: Vietnamese coffee is made by brewing Vietnamese ground coffee with a phin, a specialized metal pour-over device, and layering it over sweetened condensed milk. The signature sweetness and creaminess come from the layer of sweetened condensed milk at the bottom of the mug. While traditional Vietnamese coffee uses a phin and authentic Vietnamese beans, plain black coffee can be used as a substitute in a pinch.
Ingredients Ratio
Raf Coffee: Raf coffee is a frothy, vanilla-infused drink made by blending a double shot of espresso, half-and-half, and vanilla sugar. This creamy Russian coffee is celebrated for its rich texture and signature vanilla flavor, achieved by frothing all the ingredients together. If vanilla sugar isn’t available, 2 tablespoons of vanilla syrup can be used as a substitute.
Ingredients Ratio
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Espresso Romano: A single shot of espresso with a refreshing splash of lemon juice. The addition of lemon gives the espresso a bright, zesty twist, creating the distinctive flavor that defines an espresso romano.
Ingredients Ratio
Mocha: A mocha combines a double shot of espresso with cocoa powder, topped with steamed milk. With proportions similar to a latte (which is a third espresso and two-thirds steamed milk), the addition of cocoa powder gives a mocha its signature chocolatey twist, making it a popular favorite.
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Marocchino: A marocchino features a double shot of espresso layered with cocoa powder and topped with frothed milk, finished with a dusting of cocoa powder. Traditionally served in a glass mug to highlight its three distinct layers, this drink is meant to be stirred before enjoying for a perfectly blended sip.
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